
BestRent is the best place to start your search for real estate

BestRent is your all-in-one real estate website that can provide you with the latest postings of homes, apartments, offices and town houses for rent. You can also find honest reviews and photos of restaurants, hotels and attractions nearby the featured properties—all taken by clients like you.


Know Better

Know where in Saigon have the best properties to rent. All districts, from 1 to 9, have unique offerings for anyone looking for a property to rent or own.


Book Better

With BestRent, booking and processing your rent is made easier. With our easy-to-use interface, you can easily navigate through the site and process your booking whether it is a house, an apartment or an office unit.


Rent Better

Explore your destination with ease by having your own home away from home. Find and rent the right place for your dream vacation with BestRent.


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Travelers testimonial, Millions of users have shared their reviews of hotels, bed & breakfasts, inns, and more


Contact Our Agents


Sarah Vu

Best Rent Real Estate Agency in Saigon, Vietnam


19th Foor, Indochina Tower, 4 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Dakao Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


+84 911 50 2121

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